About the Show "Bite Me...with Jules the Girl Who Loves to Cook"

About "Bite Me...with Jules"

Hello and Welcome to my blog!!! I have started a little show on You Tube (and soon to be on Pod Cast) called..."Bite Me...with Jules the Girl Who Loves to Cook." I am not a chef, I am as the name states just a girl who loves to cook. With that being said the show is not limited to anything! I will change the theme each month and then feature dishes that adhere to the current month's theme. Because I am the girl who loves to cook...not the girl who knows everything, we will be exploring new and exciting dishes together! Many times I will feature and post dishes I have created, and other times I will feature dishes created by other chefs, friends or family members! The goal always being to teach my viewers how to prepare, cook and enjoy delicious foods. Each Episode of the show will include a recipe, tips and tricks from Jules and quote of the day. Other info may be included if necessary for that show. Also keep your eyes peeled for special guests and on location interviews with super interesting people involved in the growing and preparation of foods we know and love! Over time I hope to have a wealth of information on this blog to help educate people on how to make smart and healthy decisions about the foods they choose to eat and hopefully inspire all to get up into your kitchen and start cooking! Remember...anyone can cook! With Love, Jules